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电话: 0755-27926380
传真: 0755-29970996
姓名: Laura
Shenzhen Yiergao Stationery Co., Ltd

  Shenzhen Yiergao Staionery Co., Ltd was founded in 1999 as a manufacturer and distributor of durable, disposable and scientific lever arch files, presentation binders, ring binders, clip boards, box files, report files and many other products. We distribute worldwide and will customize products to suit market needs. With a strength of cooperating with big customers, Yiergao helps design and manufacture products through special OEM Programs for clients in the Americas, Australia, and *域名隐藏* l attention to product detail and design, the environment, customer relations and good ethics, have made Yiergao one of the foremost players in its industry. ...

主要产品/业务: lever arch file, insert binder, ring binder, presentation binder, clip board, report file, box file

Shenzhen Yiergao Stationery Co., Ltd / 广东 / 4/F, Building A, Qiyu Industrial Park, Gongletiezai Road, Xi (518102 ) / 电话:0755-27926380

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